The Spring 2023 Pets on Wheels newsletter is now available. If you did not receive a copy, contact your county coordinator and ask for a link. Or, email the editor, Barbara Ellis, at petsonwheelsdelmarva@gmail.com to request one.
The Spring 2023 Pets on Wheels newsletter is now available. If you did not receive a copy, contact your county coordinator and ask for a link. Or, email the editor, Barbara Ellis, at petsonwheelsdelmarva@gmail.com to request one.
The Summer Newsletter for Pets on Wheels of Delmarva is available! If you haven’t received it, contact your County Coordinator so they can send your copy directly to your inbox. Or send a message to this address via Messenger. If you have photos or news items for future issues, be sure to share to petsonwheelsdelmarva@gmail.com
Don’t miss the latest issue of the Pets on Wheels of Delmarva newsletter! The October-December issue is available now. If you did not receive a copy, please e-mail President Ruth Renkenberger at renk@atlanticbb dot net. In order to save money and trees, POW has gone paperless, so your newsletter would have arrived as an email attachment. Ruth needs your current […]
Pets on Wheels of Delmarva is happy to announce two big changes to our newsletter. First, in an effort to save money and trees, we are going green! Starting with the January 2021 issue the newsletter will be sent as a .pdf email attachment to all active volunteers. The April-June, 2021 issue was just sent out. If you did not […]
Students up and down the Delmarva Peninsula benefit from our popular Tales for Dogs program, which is designed to increase reading fluency. The program is simple: Dogs and their handlers visit elementary school classrooms where they sit with one or two students who read out loud to the dog. It goes without saying that dogs are a warm, wonderful, and […]
During the current pandemic, dogs and handlers from Pets on Wheels of Delmarva (POW) are staying home and staying safe. It goes without saying that we miss spending time with all of the patients our teams visit on the Delmarva Peninsula. When this crisis is over, we will be back visiting at nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, cancer centers, and day-care […]