During the current pandemic, dogs and handlers from Pets on Wheels of Delmarva (POW) are staying home and staying safe. It goes without saying that we miss spending time with all of the patients our teams visit on the Delmarva Peninsula. When this crisis is over, we will be back visiting at nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, cancer centers, and day-care programs. We are looking forward to getting back in circulation!
Those of us who volunteer for POW’s Tales for Dogs reading program, or visit at high schools and middle schools on the peninsula, also miss our students! Our dogs love helping kids improve their skills, and can’t get enough of the extra love and attention they receive when they visit. Plus, some of us also visit at area colleges and universities, and we can’t wait to get back to them as well.
In the meantime, Pets on Wheels of Delmarva has a video of some of our dogs that can be downloaded onto an iPad or other device so it can be shared with residents and safely disinfected between residents. A few of us are window-visiting in facilities as well.
If you have questions about Therapy Dogs or would like more information on Pets on Wheels of Delmarva, please visit us on Facebook at Pets On Wheels Of Delmarva, Inc. or contact us at petsonwheelsdelmarva@gmail.com.